在机场登机前或到港后有限的时间内,旅客在仓促之中容易遗漏自己所需要购买的商品。为此,慕尼黑国际机场特意推出一项独一无二的高级预定服务,即可以在机场官网 munich-airport-shop.com上面预定您心仪的产品,在从慕尼黑机场起飞或抵达慕尼黑机场之前提前48小时预定即可。预定购物系统可以为您提供便利的旅游购物体验。您只需在指定的取货点快捷地提取您预定的商品并付款。
在起飞 / 转机之前预定购物的步骤
- 浏览 www.munich-airport-shop.com
- 注册账户并预定您需要的商品
- 在您登机口楼层的指定取货点取走您预定的商品并支付货款
- 浏览 www.munich-airport-shop.com
- 注册账户并预定您需要的商品
- 在您抵达的登机口楼层的指定取货点取走您预定的商品并支付货款
Munich International Airport, also known as Franz Josef Strauss International Airport, is the second busiest airport in Germany and the main airport for travelers to Bavaria. Munich Airport is located almost 30 kilometers outside the city, close to the town of Freising, and is the second-largest airport in Germany by passenger traffic after Frankfurt. Munich Airport flies to 248 destinations worldwide and handles more than 28 million passengers a year.
The airport covers an area of 15.6 square kilometers and was originally the site of a village called Franzheim. Before construction of the airport began in 1980, the village was razed and its residents resettled elsewhere. The airport began operations in 1992.
With two passenger terminals and two parallel runways, Munich Airport has a total length of 4,000 meters and can handle 90 aircraft movements per hour. In May 2015, Munich Airport became the first airport outside of Asia to be awarded a 5-star rating by Skytrax.
Theo liebt Marken – große, kleine, aufsteigende, fallende, deutsche, internationale. Bei YouJoy schreibt vor allem über neue Marketing-Trends in Hinblick auf Labels, Shopping, Mode und Travel. Daneben dokumentiert er – mal objektiv, mal subjektiv – in seinen Social Posts, was aktuell auf Facebook, Instagram und Co. los ist. Außerdem schreibt Theo über Rapmusik(er/innen).