今天夏天小编格外期待的是在汉诺威(Hannover)27. Internationaler Feuerwerkswettbewerb国际烟火比赛, 在巴洛克式公园Herrenhäuser Gärten举行,融入live-音乐、Walking-Acts行走艺术(一种特殊的戏剧表演形式)和演戏,非常值得期待。
简单介绍一下,活动的地点,海恩豪森王宫花园(Herrenhäuser Gärten),位于汉诺威市内,原隶属于汉诺威王室遗产,由大花园、小山花园、乔治花园和威尔芬花园所组成。大花园是海恩豪森王宫花园核心建筑,是一所巴洛克风格的园林,具有德国最高的人工喷泉(82米);小山花园现在是德国最大的植物园;乔治花园是英国式园林,内建有莱布尼茨纪念馆;威尔芬花园构成了汉诺威大学的校园地基。
汉诺威国际烟火比赛2017日程 / Termine und Teams 2017
19.08.2017 – Team England 英格兰
02.09.2017 – Team Polen 波兰
16.09.2017 – Team USA美国
Herrenhäuser Straße 4,30419 Hannover
Erwachsener成年人: 21 Euro
ermäßigt优惠: 18 Euro
Familienkarte家庭卡: 54 Euro
Zusätzliches Kind另外的小孩: 8,5 Euro
家庭卡包括最多两个成年人和两个6-14岁的小孩,更多的小孩每个8.5欧 。
德国对于烟火燃放有非常严格的法律规定,私人燃放烟火一定要有所注意!!!小编提醒合法购买烟花爆竹 Legal einkaufen:
12岁以上可以持有如小烟火(Knallerbsen、Wunderkerzen und Tischfeuerwerk)类产品,此类商品是常年都可以在商店购买的,任何时候都可以燃放。
18岁以上可以买如火箭炮烟花,鞭炮和电池烟花(Raketen, Chinaböller und Batterie-Feuerwerke)等类产品,商店会在特定日子出售且燃放也有规定时间,具体时间由各地的政府具体决定。如果不在规定时间燃放,将会受到处罚,最高罚款1万欧元。
Written by: 慕凝
Picture: Pexels
Now, we know that a Sylvester party would be nothing without an amazing fireworks display. But if you’re planning to greet the New Year in style, it won’t help you to re-learn the rules and regulations regarding the use of fireworks in Germany to keep you safe and out of trouble.
Fireworks rules in Germany
Laws surrounding the use of fireworks are strictly enforced in Germany and have tightened in recent years, with many German cities this year issuing bans on fireworks in public spaces. So make sure you do your research and obey the law.
Types of fireworks in Germany
There are four different categories (Klasse) of fireworks in Germany, depending on the amount of explosive they contain. Each different category has different usage rules.
Class F1
Category 1 fireworks are generally smaller fireworks that contain the least amount of explosives. Anyone over the age of 12 can buy these fireworks, which are sold year-round. These fireworks are usually for kids and include fireworks, streamers, poppers or bangers.
kids using fireworks
Class F2
These fireworks are your „typical“ garden fireworks, such as small rockets and fountains. To purchase these fireworks, you must be at least 18 years old and usually need to show ID. According to German law, you can set off any of these fireworks on New Year’s Eve.
Class F3
The third category of fireworks are designated display fireworks. These fireworks are usually larger and louder than the Klasse 2 fireworks, and are only sold to those with a special permit. If you want to catch these bad boys, you must apply for a license at your local OSHA office.
Class F4
Fireworks that fall into this category are professional-grade fireworks that contain no limit on the amount of explosives they can contain. These fireworks are for professional pyrotechnic use only. Under EU law, they are designated as fireworks that can pose a serious danger.
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