来德必去盛典 – 慕尼黑啤酒节



来德必去盛典 – 慕尼黑啤酒节

特蕾莎草场也是目前慕尼黑啤酒节的主场馆所在地,也被当地人亲切地称为Die Wiesn。在此后,由于庆典给人们留下了深刻的记忆,因此,从1811年起这一盛典每年都会举办。而慕尼黑啤酒节在长达200多年的发展中,也历经风雨,经历了多次战争、瘟疫的洗礼,几经演变,才成为现在的规模与模样。如:1818年,在啤酒节庆典现场架设了第一驾旋转木马和两个秋千,这也是在啤酒节现场会有各色娱乐设施的原因。1850年,在特蕾莎草坪的西侧落成了高20米的巴伐利亚女神像。这一标志性塑像至今依然伫立在此。直至19世纪末,这一节日已经发展成为了世界知名民俗节日(Volksfest)。

来德必去盛典 – 慕尼黑啤酒节

今年的慕尼黑啤酒节于2017年9月16日开幕,作为具有200多年历史的传统盛会,很多传统的活动和习俗被很好的保留了下来。在啤酒节开幕当天的中午12点,根据传统,会由慕尼黑市市长打开第一桶啤酒。9月16日,在临时搭建的“Schottenhamel-Festzelt”帐篷中,慕尼黑市长主持啤酒节开幕,中午12时,市长用木槌将黄铜龙头敲进大酒桶中,接出啤酒节的第一杯酒,并高呼“O’zapft is”,宣布啤酒节的开幕。第二天则会举行传统的盛装大游行,参加游行的的队伍身着各色民族服饰,人们把自己打扮成古代衣着考究的贵族公爵,身披绫罗绸缎的王妃贵妇,驾着鲜花装扮的古典马车,也有不少人很朴实的穿着农民过节穿的衣服。

来德必去盛典 – 慕尼黑啤酒节


另外,各帐篷中的装饰风格迥异,帐篷内还搭建有圆形的舞台,并有歌手和乐队助兴,不断将活动的气氛推向高潮。10月3日德国国庆节当天啤酒节闭幕。闭幕仪式在当天中午的12点在巴伐利亚女神像前举行,闭幕仪式成为“ Böllerschießen”(鸣枪仪式)。司礼队共有三支,分别装备三种不同枪支(火枪、双管猎枪、步枪),在指挥官的指挥下,分别对空中鸣枪,向节日致敬。


Oktoberfest Overview

Oktoberfest is an annual two-week festival in Munich, Germany, which ends on the first Sunday in October. The festival originated on October 12, 1810, to celebrate the wedding of the Bavarian Crown Prince, who later became King Louis I, to Princess Theresa von Saxe-Hildburghausen. Five days later, the festival ends with a horse race in an open area later known as Theresienwiese („Therese’s green“). The following year, the competition combined with the state agricultural fair and introduced food and beverage service at 1,818 booths. By the late 20th century, the stalls had grown into large beer halls made of plywood with indoor balconies and bandstands.

Each Munich brewery has built a temporary structure with a capacity of around 6,000 seats. The Mayor of Munich taps the first cask to kick off the festival. Total beer consumption during Oktoberfest exceeds 75,800 hectoliters (approximately 2 million gallons). Breweries are also present in the parade, which features beer carts and floats, and people in national costumes. Other entertainment includes games, rides, music and dancing. Oktoberfest attracts more than 6 million people each year, many of them tourists.

Highlights of the Oktoberfest

With over 6 million guests each year, Oktoberfest is the largest public festival in the world. No wonder: Oktoberfest celebrates Bavarian heritage with delicious food, Munich beer, and countless rides and attractions in the festival grounds and tents.

Experience highlights such as the grand entrance of Oktoberfest landlords and breweries, the opening ceremony of the Oktoberfest or the parade in traditional costumes on the first Sunday of Oktoberfest.

In addition, the world came together in 17 large and 21 small festival tents.

Especially when visiting Oktoberfest on weekends or evenings, it pays to reserve a table in the festival tent in advance. We’ve put together the most important information about table reservations.

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