
来柏林怎么能不来博物馆岛?!2016在德国每日镜报上有一篇名为“搬回柏林的20个理由(20 Gründe zurück nach Berlin zu ziehen)”的报道,文章里叙述了近年柏林人口回潮的原因。其中不乏有餐馆多,城市大,生活丰富多彩这样的原因,但对于作者来说来说,柏林最大的魅力一定是这一条:城中散布着的大大小小上百个博物馆。



走在路上,不经意间就会遇见这些藏在巷弄里的小博物馆。但如果你要来一次以博物馆为主题的旅行,那么博物馆岛(Museum Island)一定是首选。博物馆岛位于市中心Spree河中,1999年被联合国教科文组织列入世界文化遗产名录。

Auf der Brücke

著名的旅游咨询网站TripAdvisor上说,在柏林,如果你只有时间去一座博物馆,请去佩加蒙博物馆(Pergamon Museum)。佩加蒙就坐落在岛上,现在在整修中,只有部分展馆开放,藏品主要为中东以及伊斯兰文化为主。参观的时候你才会发现,被展览的哪里只是雕像,绘画,手工艺品这么简单,分明是一座城都摆在了博物馆里。

Im Museum


Im Museum 2

除了佩加蒙之外,作者还推荐老博物馆(Altes Museum)。它始建于1823年,是柏林的第一座博物馆。博物馆外观上以古典主义与现代主义相结合,18根古希腊廊柱一字排开,气势非凡;廊柱后则以玻璃为墙壁,充满现代感。

Altes Museum



Neues Museum

除此之外,在岛上还矗立着新博物馆 (Neues Museum),老国家画廊( Alte Nationalgalerie),博多博博物馆( Bodenmuseum)以及柏林大教堂。如果看完博物馆之余还有体力,也可以去参观一下这座带有巴洛克和意大利文艺复兴时期风格的教堂。但作者更推荐天气好的时候,坐在教堂前的草坪前,看看夕阳余晖下的风景。






Exhibitions and highlights at the Berlin Museum

All museums and cultural institutions in Berlin are open. More specific information can be found on our website as well as in the individual museums.

Discover the highlights of current exhibitions and collections! Berlin’s Museum Island with its five museums is the largest museum complex in the world and is a UNESCO World Heritage Site. Other museums and top exhibitions in Berlin are waiting for you.

Admission is free on the first Sunday of every month!

New museums in berlin

Despite the challenges related to the pandemic, in 2022 a state-of-the-art new museum will open its doors in Berlin. But you can already visit the large museum that opened last year.

The interactive children’s museum ANOHA has been welcoming guests of all ages since 2021. After five years of renovations, the New National Gallery also invites visitors to return. In fall 2021, two large museums will open on the upper floors of the Humboldt Forum: the Museum of Ethnology and the Museum of Asian Art.

Impressed by visitors from all over the world and all generations: flying, deporting, reconciling directly in the newly built documentation center of the Anhalter Bahnhof in Berlin-Kreuzberg.

In May 2022, the new Samurai Museum will open on Auguststraße. In summer, also in central Berlin, we can look forward to the first library museum, the Schatzkammer Staatsbibliothek. All other planned openings and reopenings can be found on our website Berlin 2022.

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