首先介绍的是来自德国南方奥格斯堡(Augsburg)目前27岁的Dasy, Dasy博客名称中译为“柑橘女孩”(The Mandarine Girl),Dasy的穿搭风格属于甜美类型,但和中国网红的甜美类型有所不同,德国女孩们的甜美穿着风格是略带性感风。
“Ohh, 范特西”-德国文青时尚
Franziska和其他总是留着长发或是女性化风格的网红不同,她有着利落的短发,和极简的穿搭风格,但时尚一词放在她身上无任何的违和感。和其他网红的时尚博客有所不同,Franziska分享更多的是时尚的资讯,当然Franziska也会和大家分享一些穿搭的文章。而本来的博客Sofranni Finesse是Franziska和她的室友一起经营,现在Franziska有自己经营的博客,可以更完整的向大家呈现Franziska心中的德国时尚。
Who has the most followers on Instagram in Germany? German celebrity influencers with the most Instagram followers in 2019. As of December 2019, Lisa and Lena (@lisaandlena) are the most followed celebrity influencers on German Instagram with around 15.2 million followers. Bibi’s Belle d’Or came in second, with nearly seven million followers.
Written by Serena
Picture: lil’_wiz / flickr / Rechte
Who has the most followers on Instagram in Germany? German celebrity influencers with the most Instagram followers in 2019. As of December 2019, Lisa and Lena (@lisaandlena) are the most followed celebrity influencers on German Instagram with around 15.2 million followers. Bibi’s Belle d’Or came in second, with nearly seven million followers.
According to the survey results, influencer accounts from the U.S. have the greatest chance of being verified, with nearly one-third of U.S. influencer accounts earning a verification badge. In contrast, only 2% of Japanese influencer accounts were verified during the measurement period.
Theo liebt Marken – große, kleine, aufsteigende, fallende, deutsche, internationale. Bei YouJoy schreibt vor allem über neue Marketing-Trends in Hinblick auf Labels, Shopping, Mode und Travel. Daneben dokumentiert er – mal objektiv, mal subjektiv – in seinen Social Posts, was aktuell auf Facebook, Instagram und Co. los ist. Außerdem schreibt Theo über Rapmusik(er/innen).